Music Inspires Happiness

Music calms the soul and relaxes the mind. The sound of a beautiful voice instantaneously takes you to that place, your first dance, memories of a loved one or the first time you fell in love. Memories are often tied to music and when ‘that song’ is played, it takes you back to that time.

When I was young, my favorite song was, Love Will Keep Us Together by Captain and Tennille. I memorized every song on their album and played it over and over on my record player. To this day whenever, I hear Love Will Keep Us Together, it takes me back to Saturday mornings, in my childhood bedroom, playing My Captain and Tennille album and singing along until my heart was content. It leave me with happy memories.

Challenge Coin

The Daily Prompt for January 19, 2015, Re-springing Your Step, asked to tell us about the last experience you had that left you feeling fresh, energized, and rejuvenated. What was it that had such a positive effect on you?

At the end of my first volunteer shift in 2010, a Marine who spent most of his time chatting with me about his family in Hawaii and his recent return from a deployment asked if he could give me something. I told him it would depend on what it was. The Marine extended his hand to mine and dropped his unit Challenge Coin in my hand and said, “thanks for your service.” For those of you familiar with a Challenge Coin know it’s  significant to be the recipient. I told him, “no, thanks for your service and keeping us safe.”

I felt re-energized that at this point in my busy life, I made the right decision to serve as a volunteer. As I drove home, a renewed sense of serving and helping others came over me. In my opinion, it’s definitely better to give than to receive.

Organizing is Music to My Ears

Living an organized life brings me peace. I perk up when someone tells me they cleaned and organized their garage over the weekend. I beam with excitement as they tell me what they tossed and how they arranged their new found space. I know it’s a bit strange to find excitement in cleaning a garage, but living my life as an organized person makes each day less stressful, and I feel joy in knowing someone else will find joy with their organized garage.

One of my favorite weekend activities is making a trip to a home store or searching Pinterest for items to organize some aspect of my life. I look at organizational items for their multi-purpose use. This morning I noticed a container that once held pretzels would make a perfect gift box, due to it’s unique shape and classy exterior lining.

Some people are born organized, while others must must work at it. When I read the post, Blogs, Planning and Free Printables at I found her desire to become more organized in 2015 very compelling. I admire her for identifying some tools and web sites that will help her. It takes patience to find the right tools to create your ‘organized peace.’ The best thing about it is, there are 12 months in a year to start down the path to an organized life.

Unleash Your Happiness

I see you over there trying to find happiness all over again. You’re consumed with getting your once perfect life back in order and not sure where to start. Your old life is just that…OLD. It’s time to start anew, be that wonderful person you are and take the necessary steps to bring your personal happiness back. First of all, acknowledge that you deserve to be happy. You deserve happiness just as much as the next person. Now open your heart and let those in who really love you. Those you shut out, try reconnecting with them, it may be as simple as picking up the phone or in today’s world sending a text. Figure out what truly matters to you and focus on those things. STOP trying to please everyone, start pleasing yourself. Take it one day-at-time, and each day say thank you for the blessing of seeing another day. What makes you laugh? Take some time to figure it out and laugh often. The sooner you start, your happiness will overshadow the old days. I enjoy having fun and doing little things that make me smile, so I’m sharing my Pinterest boards with you. Pinterest makes me smile and allows me to create electronic dreams. You too can find happiness in realizing what makes you smile, jot your positive thoughts down in a journal, create a blog, create a Pinterest board, volunteer, start a new career or do something you always wanted to do. Just take the first step to release your happiness within. Here’s the link to my Pinterest boards.

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello fellow bloggers,

I have always had a helping heart and felt creating a blog would allow me to share, inspire, and connect with others. This is my first attempt at a blog, and in doing so, I have been both excited and a little nervous. I wasn’t sure if I would have the ability to write and post interesting topics on an on-going basis.

I started my blog in December and post each week.  I have found the experience to be very therapeutic and felt a sense of accomplishment. I write from my heart and based on what inspires me, with the hope it will inspire others.

My goal is to be a successful blogger. If one person reads my blog and finds inspiration, I have achieved my goal. I’m excited and look forward to this journey.