Ginger is the Smell for Me

Smell You Later

In response to the Daily Prompt, “Humans have very strong scent memory. Tell us about a smell that transports you.”

One memory that stands out for me, is the smell of ginger.


One year while on vacation in Maui, Hawaii, we thought what better way to enjoy the beautiful clear water than to go in a snorkeling excursion. We made our way by boat to Molokini Crater for a day of adventure.


After several hours into our excursion, it hit me, I was sea sick beyond the point of control. One of the kind crew members offered me some ground ginger and said it was the cure all, when sea sick. I mixed it in my water, took one sick, and being to vomit to the point of full on embarrassment. I ended up sleeping until we returned to shore.

To this day, I absolutely hate the smell of ginger. It takes me immediately to my snorkeling adventure.

Molokini photo credit:
Ron Garnett/HTS

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